10 Ways To Improve Your Social Skills

Lukas Schwekendiek
3 min readDec 5, 2023
Photo by Dan V on Unsplash
  1. Start Hobbies Extroverts Enjoy — I was part of a 70-man theater group in High School. In this theater I was forced to be outgoing. My personal space and social comfort zones were put to the test as I was not allowed to have any of that on stage. Theater, team sports, dance classes, parties, festivals, etc. Follow those that are already extroverted and you will get a little of what they have.
  2. Leave Your Phone At Home — If you cannot do that, then at least leave it in your drawer, backpack or pocket. Do not take it out while you are with other people. Force yourself to be with that person, especially if it gets uncomfortable or awkward; that’s where your skills have the most potential to grow.
  3. Do Not Go Anywhere Alone Alone — Always try to find someone that goes with you, be it shopping, to classes or just for a walk. Invite people to get a coffee, to help you with your shopping and anything else you may do. Asking doesn’t hurt and every time they agree it is a learning step.
  4. Plan More Events — Cook dinner with your friends, let everyone bring something, organize a big, group, workout session, plan to go to the Zoo or the Amusement Park, or simply start a board-game night where everyone brings a game. Be the person that starts and plans those events to get more opportunities to grow your skills.



Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: Lukas.schwekendiek@gmail.com with the word "Coaching"