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10 Ways to Train Your Brain for Maximum Productivity
2 min readMay 19, 2023
- Become More Intentional — What is the point of this situation? What is your goal here? Defining an intention for the situation primes your brain and gives it a set of standards it can apply itself towards, instead of randomly hoping to gather great thoughts.
- Train “Better” Thoughts — Once you define what “better” thoughts are it’s on you to train those pathways in your brain. Think these thoughts as often as you can in a day. Example: Affirmations.
- Drink More Water — Your brain thrives on Oxygen. The best way to get Oxygen into your bloodstream is to make it Oxygen-rich, which is best done by drinking more water.
- Relax — Take a moment and massage the following muscle groups: Eyebrows, temples, and upper cheekbones; i.e. the muscle groups around your eyes. Tense them up as hard as you can and then relax them as much as possible. You will feel more clear-headed.
- Take Deep Breaths As Often As You Can — This and the point above should be done whenever you feel out of control or clouded in your thinking.
- Surround Yourself With Better Thinkers — We are creatures that learn by modeling others. Right now the people you model are the people closest to you. Want more, better, thoughts? Then get people around you that already have those thoughts and model them.