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14 Things That Aren’t Common Knowledge But Should Be
3 min readApr 7, 2023
- Your Rearview Mirror Has A “Night Mode” — That little tab at the bottom; flick it. It will change the angle of the mirror to prevent glare from cars behind you.
- Flip Your Burger Before Eating It — Flipping the burger will often prevent the insides from falling out. The patty will hold the rest of the burger together and prevent stuff from falling out the top.
- One Larger Pizza Has More Pizza Than Most Smaller Ones — If you are going to order the same kind of pizza make it bigger. It will save you a lot of money as you get more for your buck.
- Learn Your Computers Key-bindings — Ctrl + X = Cut. Ctrl + C = Copy. Ctrl + V = Paste. Ctrl + Shift + T = Restores a closed tab. Ctrl + Clicking on a link = Opens the link in a new tab. Ctrl + W = Closes the current tab. Knowing just these will save a lot of time.
- Learn To Use Search Engines — I am no computer expert, but I seem like one to my family simply because I google what could be done and then follow the advice of smarter people.
- There Is Always Help — If you just look you will find it, but you have to be willing to look. There are always people willing to help, you are not alone.
- Eternal Happiness Is Not Achievable — It is merely a byproduct of living your life. Sometimes you are…