Member-only story
16 Short Unwritten Rules Of Life
2 min readMar 9, 2023
- Let people know if you are late. It only takes you 15 seconds to write a message that can save them minutes of waiting. Do this as soon as you know.
- Never hold back a Laugh. No matter how obnoxious or weird your laugh might be. The world needs more joy.
- Don’t force your Beliefs on others. You may certainly talk about them and try your best to convince them of your beliefs. But if they say ‘No’ respect that.
- You can disagree without fighting. The other person is not suddenly a villain for having a single belief that contradicts your own.
- When a child shows you something you have to act amazed. Even if it is the most mundane thing in the world, you must show excitement.
- On that note: Tea Time is a requirement. I do not care how manly you are. You will sit down in a chair that’s WAY too small and will enjoy some fake tea.
- Always ask before Petting a Dog. Some dogs are in training and should not be petted. It is not your animal or your responsibility. Be respectful.
- Pick up after your pets. At least if it is somewhere where people walk.
- When you see someone needing help, Help them. There is such a thing as the ‘Bystander Effect’ in which people will walk right by those in need. Be the one that takes responsibility…