21 Practical Improvements That Change Life Drastically

Lukas Schwekendiek
3 min readAug 22, 2021
  1. 5 Minutes More — Just add 5 more minutes to anything productive you do. Procrastinate on procrastinating.
  2. Do Something ASAP — When anything comes in your mind do something about it immediately, even if it is just planning it. Get it out of your head.
  3. Set Your Intentions — Know what you are going to do today. Lead the day actively.
  4. Check Things Off — When you are done with something make a clear-cut mark to be done with it.
  5. Start Early — Everyone works better in the morning. Do something difficult before you’d normally get up. You’ll feel great all day.
  6. Remind Yourself — 99% of all self-improvement is repetition. Multiple daily reminders ingrain concepts.
  7. Control Your Time — If you don’t control your time you’ll end up wasting a lot of it. You only have 24 hours each day and maybe only this one life; Don’t waste a single second.
  8. Go Outside — Add a bit of nature (ideally a natural body of water of some sort) to your daily routine. The calm will often reset you.
  9. Meditate — Work out your body, your mind and your heart and soul. Go inward. Learn about yourself. And improve.
  10. Love Yourself — Spend some time each day feeling proud or happy or loving with…



Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: Lukas.schwekendiek@gmail.com with the word "Coaching"