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4 Subtle Signs That Instantly Kill Your Charisma
#1: Being Needy
People-pleasing and relying on another person is the absolute fastest way to kill your charisma.
It makes the other person feel like they have to take care of a child when they are often already overburdened with the responsibility of their own life.
In the instant you become needy, any charisma you have built will die by your feet.
To increase your charisma you must become independent of the other person.
Act on your own accord and take them along for the ride.
Offer them your business or a date without relying on them agreeing to anything you suggest.
Your worth has to be high enough not to be affected by the responses of those around you.
#2: Looking Down
I mean this quite literally, but the non-literal version also affects your charisma negatively.
Looking down, or generally having a shrinking body language makes others think of you as a person with low self-esteem.
Crossed arms, feet close together, hands clasped or in your pockets, arms, shoulders and legs close to you and chin tucked in avoiding eye contact are all small signs that kill your charisma.