5 Habits of Highly Successful People
The habits of successful people vary widely.
Depending on what Expert on Success you ask they will tell you different themes because they observed different forms of success.
Even the information I’ve gathered below is biased to what I have learned.
Understand that there is no true habit these people all follow.
Instead there are themes around which they form their habits.
These themes are what drives them to start the habits in the first place.
But it all depends on your version of success what specific habits you should follow.
That being said, regardless of that version, the themes below fit for every form of success:
1. They Work With Reckless Abandon.
Successful people are those fully committed to who they are.
So much so that most people color them obsessed in their activities.
The really successful ones are those that do what they want, day in and day out, with such reckless abandon that their investment rivals insanity.
The athletes that train 8 hours a day, the CEOs that work night and day and the Musicians that practice their Music deep into the night.
The ones that try and try and try more than a normal person would ever dare to.
Those are the successful ones.
But they do none of that because they have to.
They do it all because it works for them, because it is what they desire.
2. They Focus All Their Energy on One Point
Successful people do not multi-task.
They do not try to do a million things at once and rather see one thing through to the end.
But it always seems like they are doing more because of the wide variety of tasks that, in their mind, only serves one purpose.
Entrepreneurs, for example, do everything to make their business succeed.
They work hard, talk to other successful people, and abandon sleep just to get more done.
But they also eat healthy, spend time with their family, laugh and enjoy life because it puts them in a better state to chase their dream!
Every thing they do directly affects their main purpose, which is why they go at everything with such commitment.
Standing up early gives them more time to work for their success.
Eating healthy gives them more energy to use on their path to success.
Spending time with their family and friends gives them more fulfillment and joy so they do not feel a lack of it on their journey to success.
Every little thing serves the same purpose.
3. They Improve Their Reason to be Stronger Than Their Excuses
The truth is that there is always an excuse and always a reason to do something.
Everyone of us puts our reasons for doing what we do up against the excuses every time.
The thing we end up doing is based on what remains standing.
Successful people have a reason that they developed, re-inforced, and empowered until it was stronger than any excuse.
They now work from and for that reason rather than any minor desire.
While most of us cannot even give up on sleep to work, successful people surrender anything they must to reach their success.
They know exactly what they can and cannot sacrifice.
And whenever an excuse pops up, whenever the desire to sleep in late, to take a longer break or to take a day off, pops up in their head they put it against their reason.
And it doesn’t stand a chance.
4. They Learn as Though They Were Beginners
While most of us ignore information thinking “I’ve heard that before” successful people treat it as an undiscovered Gold Mine.
They look for the golden nuggets in every bit of information, no matter how small they are.
Most of them consider themselves beginners in their craft.
And this gives them an insanely powerful excuse to keep learning.
Successful people read a book a week on average, giving them a vast pool of knowledge at their ready.
5. They Take Work With What They Have
Have you ever wondered why most CEO offices have a big couch?
I mean, who sits on that? Was it there for?
It’s for the CEO to recharge, nap or sleep.
Successful people know their limits and work with them.
They do not ignore being tired.
Yes, they push themselves a lot, but not the point where they break themselves.
Instead they work with what they have and take immense care of themselves, pushing in a way that doesn’t limit them anywhere else.
After all, if they pushed too hard they’d be off worse, which is counterintuitive to their reasoning (See #2).