6 Tips On Becoming A Success Life And Business Coach

Lukas Schwekendiek
2 min readJul 30, 2019


  1. A Powerful, Personal, Emotional Reason — Without this desire backing you up, you will not make it through. Becoming a Coach requires so much self-reflection and there will be so much resistance to it, you need a powerful reason to make it through that.
  2. Doing More Than You Preach — Every advice you give you need to at least have tried yourself. It becomes far less powerful if you don’t.
  3. Learning An Obsessive Amount — 2 Books a week for the first year is the bare minimum.
  4. Getting a Coach Yourself — How will you be able to convince others to buy from you if you’re not willing to invest in the help yourself?
  5. Talking To As Many People As Possible — This is really the core of it: You must talk to as many people as you can. How many conversations are you having a week will reflect exactly how good of a coach you are.
  6. Being Bold — As a coach you are not looking to make friends. You are looking to help a person beyond what anyone else is willing to. If you cannot be that bold, direct and harsh, you will not make it. This is true for you helping others as well as you treating yourself.

That’s really all there is to it.

It doesn’t seem like much at first, but it basically follows the core process as becoming any professional in any field.

The only difference with being a coach is that you cannot rely on others to do the work for you and tell you what to do, you have to explore this yourself.

Meaning you have to go out of your way to try the tips you give and to apply them to your own life.

But if I can give you one last good piece of advice: Make a difference.

You do not have to make the biggest difference, as a coach you are a guide, nothing more; you cannot control people to help themselves.

But try your best to leave an imprint on their life. Do what you can. Go above and beyond where you can. Make a difference no matter how small with everyone you interact with.

Originally published at http://quora.com.



Lukas Schwekendiek
Lukas Schwekendiek

Written by Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: Lukas.schwekendiek@gmail.com with the word "Coaching"

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