A Bitter Truth In Life Most Of Us Refuse To Accept
You cannot save anyone.
Okay, re-phrase: You cannot save anyone who does not want to be saved.
There are many people that need help and you know that.
Be it money, advice or just a helping hand, they need something and, if you can see what they need, you are also often able to give it to them.
At least that’s what it feels like…
But some people are not ready to take that help from you, and regardless of how bad you want them to, you cannot force them to take it!
The harsh reality is that some people will forever be stuck in their own negative cycles.
They will consistently procrastinate on their dreams, never reaching them because they feel too stressed of not having started sooner.
They will consistently blame themselves for everything that went wrong, looking for their friends and family to tell them “It’s okay” when it’s clearly not.
And they will never take that extra step to get the help they need because they are too proud to admit that what they have been doing hasn’t worked yet.
And you cannot help those people if they do not want to be helped.
There are so many people out there who would benefit from just talking to a lamp post every day if only to let out what they kept inside.
Yet, unless they admit their own shortcomings to themselves they will always stay stuck.
You’ve met people like this before.
People that were in horrible relationships or horrible jobs and that were told by everybody around them how horrible this was but they didn’t see it.
People who destroyed their lives doing something they did not deem that destructive and wouldn’t quit.
People who were absolutely miserable and kept refuting that they wanted to stay miserable, yet every one of their actions made it feel like they wanted to stay miserable forever.
You gave these people advice, tried to show them what was wrong or where they destroyed themselves, all just for them to continue the way they continued.
And this is not to say that the advice you gave or the help you lent them would have saved them, nor is this to say that you have all the answers, but too many people too often become too prideful to take any help.
And too many people still believe they have to force their help on those that do not want it.
You cannot save anyone that does not want to be saved!
Some people will die miserable and there is nothing you can do other than offer your help.
But if they do not take it, you cannot force that on them.
It is not your responsibility to change their lives for them!
They must make their own choices and live their own lives, and the best thing you can do is to be there when they want the help and to keep offering in the hopes they take it one day.
But some people never will. Some people die every day regretting the decisions they did not take out of pride that they could have done it on their own when they did not have to.
Originally published at http://quora.com.