The seasons are personal and may last longer or shorter at times.
There are correlations (such as winter time depressions) but most of the time it is dependent on where you are in life.
Usually it goes as follows:
Spring is roughly a month in length (+/- a few weeks). This is when you are motivated to work harder and inspired. Usually spring does not last that long because this new spark needs to be sustained in summer or die off quickly.
Summer can be anywhere from 1 month to a few years. This, like winter, is a rather random season because it depends on how well you transition the spark that appears in spring to something long-term. Creating goals, finding passions, and having sustainable habits as well as building discipline elongates that time.
Fall is surprisingly long because it is surprisingly subtle. You often do not recognize you entered fall until you reach winter. You work a little less hard, avoid the work a bit more and tend to be a little less passionate (this applies to being less romantic, passionate, interested in hobbies, etc.), which then turns worse and worse as time goes on.
Winter, as described above, can last anywhere from 1 month to a few years as well, simply because the transition in fall is so subtle you won't know you entered it. The only way to get out of it is through a revelation or when you take massive responsibility for your life again, which immediately kicks you into spring.
Now these seasons describe the big picture. In this sense you go through each season about once every few years. But there are shorter, smaller versions within that. Hopefully that makes sense!