Member-only story
Achievement: Why You Achieved More Than You Think You Did
Achievement comes from a place of believing that you are moving forward in life.
If you stagnate, not move or just get too comfortable where you are you will feel like you are not progressing your life.
A lack of progress then results in a stale, fine or lackluster life that stays without relative achievements.
Objectively you may still achieve something, but it will not feel that way.
To change this and to regain the sense of fulfillment you have to understand what you can do, do more of what you can, and reclaim the control over your life.
Right now it is likely that you lost the sense of ownership.
Life did not progress and as it stopped improving you likely left it to the world to make life happen for you, not believing in your own faculties as you did not get the feedback that you could make a difference.
1. Focus On What You Have & Can Do
There are a lot of things we have no control over and a lot of things that we do not have.
You can focus on all of these things for the next decade and still find more things you do not have any control over or have in your life, but what good will that do you?