Buy This To Drastically Improve Your Life
A rock.
Yup. You read that right; A Rock.
This may not be something you necessarily have to buy, although you could, but it’s something you definitely need to acquire.
The purpose of this rock is to be used as a trigger.
It’s incredibly unusual and weird; You will notice it all the time and wonder why you are carrying it with you.
Your attention will go to the rock plenty of times throughout the day, and that is exactly why you want to have it.
It’s one of the most effective triggers you can get!
When you touch that rock in your pocket you can think of that you wanted to be confident, happy, that you wanted to work longer or wanted to view life from a different point of view.
Most changes in yourself require consistent awareness. It’s a little thought here and there that changes you in the long run, so you might as well take charge of it and control the change you want to make.
Keep that rock with you and buy one if you can to ensure that you actually use it.
Because not using that rock you purchased would be an incredible waste.
A Whiteboard.
Unlike a regular planner or a sheet of paper on your desk your whiteboard almost screams at you in big, bold letters.
Whatever you write on it will be taken with a completely different tone.
You’ll take it more seriously, plan it with more thought and look at it more often.
That is, if you do not start taking it for granted and actually use it. But that’s the case with everything you buy.
Having a Whiteboard gives you a canvas for ideas, plans, and your thoughts throughout the day. A Library Card/Book/Kindle.
Whatever is your preferred medium of choice. Just get some access to knowledge!
Honing your skills requires a set ratio of action and knowledge (somewhere in the 2:1 area).
Without any knowledge you will have to re-invent everything you try and will get stuck at certain steps that others have already figured out.
There’s no reason for that! You can learn from the journeys other people have already taken! 2 Books a Month should be the bare minimum. Anything lower than that and you’re kidding yourself.
Do not let your progress depend on chance. Take some steps to get it!
Learn and improve constantly.
A Coach.
Let me preface this one by making one thing clear: You do not need a coach.
If you talked to a lamp post every day your life would improve already. You don’t need a coach for that.
However, a coach can do things a lamp post cannot. And, if you think about the fact that just talking to a lamp post or a wall would help, then how much do you think a coach could improve your life?
There is a reason every successful person has some trainer, coach or group of intellectuals that they meet with A Natural Alarm Clock. every week!
Athletes have personal trainers, CEOs have Mastermind Groups or Advisor Meetings, and even people like Warren Buffet take financial advice from others.
Having someone to talk to, someone that kicks you in the butt when you need it, someone that doesn’t allow you to cheat yourself and someone that takes your goals so seriously they’ll be brutally honest with you is something that is irreplaceable.
I still don’t understand why over 99% of people start their day off with the worst sound imaginable.
Get an alarm clock that wakes you up caringly so your day is not ruined before it even starts! A Schedule.
No wonder the tone of their days is set with an abundance of annoyance and frustration.
My day would be too if the first thing I heard in the day was the shrill, ear-splitting screeching of the alarm clock.
What a wonderfully awful way to start a day!
Alarm clocks that wake you up with natural light, that play the sounds of a river at a slowly-rising volume, or even pillow alarm clocks that cautiously vibrate you awake.
Anything is better than that shrill beeping.
It’s that that should be your prerogative. Not the confining jail-cell-calendar that only focuses on “productivity”. You’ll go to your bedroom with a smile on your face, having lived so fully you often won’t even make it to your bed before you blissfully fall asleep. A Comfortable Mattress.
Invest in a real calendar/schedule that tracks at least every hour of your day.
Something that you feel free to write in, scratch out, edit and take apart.
Schedules do not have to be binding contracts that limit your creativity or expression.
Remember that a large part of your daily energy comes from the type of rest you get!
If you use them right and you plan your day with the thought of having the most amazing, possible day and you edit, refine and review the day based on that, eventually you’ll love your schedule.
Make your schedule fun! Be willing to work with it and to edit what needs editing!
Your schedule is supposed to support your life, not take away from it. And if you use it right, it can lead to you squeezing every last drop of value out of every day!
To support that sleep when you do make it to your bed you need a place that really recharges you.
Much like the alarm clock sets a tone for the day, your mattress affects the type of rest you get.
If you have a metal spring in your back the entire night it’s not surprising you wake up grouchy and short-tempered.
If you really care about being positive, energetic, and happy you’ll invest in a mattress that makes you feel that way too!
Yes, it is a big investment, but it’s one that you won’t regret.
Originally published at