"Good Will Hunting" is a great example of when not blaming/taking responsibility can be an eye opener. The problem with that movie is that it is a very specific situation.
Most people take too little responsibility, rather than too much. They will not get awoken to that unless something drastic happens (such as, hopefully, a person on the internet telling them that it is all their fault). In most scenarios you have to go against the ingrained belief to incite a positive reaction.
In the movie, this was done by building trust, only to then seemingly breaking that trust by going right for the core of the matter. As a writer, I do not have that liberty to treat each reader as an individual.
The core of this article is the more extreme "in-your-face" fault throwing, in the hopes it reaches some readers off guard and gets them to actually think about how they can take responsibility by admitting it is their fault they are where they are.
Of course this won't work for everyone, but I hope it does help some.
I do see your point, and my article was maybe a bit short-sighted in that regard, but to combat that I would have to write the point in such a way that it would lose power and therefore not be able to help others. So it's a lose-lose situation, in a way, and I just have to pick something.
Hopefully that makes sense!