Member-only story
Happiness: A Life Well Lived
Life is all about one thing: Happiness.
No matter what path we choose, we hope every one of them leads us to Happiness.
We eat delicious food, exercise regularly or not at all, play video games or read books, go on dates or try to hang out with friends, work hard at our job or barely get by, all because we subconsciously believe this will lead us to the most happiness.
This might sound very matter-of-fact, and like not much of a surprise, but once we truly understand this life changes forever.
Instead of trying to find happiness later down the line or in a very round-about way, we might be able to pick up habits, activities and general things that make us happier now.
For instance, we can grind out that new rank in a video game, only to realize that we lost dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of hours of fun along the way, all because we thought we’d finally feel Happiness once we reached that certain rank.
We can work hard in our job for a promotion or to make more money, spend many nights stressing ourselves to get more work done, only to understand much later that we sacrificed time with family, friends and ourselves along the way that would have made us so much happier.