Here Are The Insecurities That Drove Me To Have A Better Life
My biggest insecurity about myself was and still is whether I am right or not in the path I chose.
I wasted a lot of time of my life chasing the wrong goals and I’m terrified of making the same mistake.
Maybe this writing, this life coaching, this helping other people thing isn’t the right path; Maybe I am wrong.
This insecurity scares me more than anything and I used to worry about what if this path never worked out for me for far too long.
Today, however, I am fully aware that I can definitely be wrong.
Although there is a definite possibility that I can be wrong I realized that it really doesn’t matter.
Through all my time worrying, choosing wrong paths and living in fear out of making a wrong choice, I realized one thing:
The only way I can circumvent my insecurity is by going at it with everything I have in everything I do.
It’s the half-assing, the restrictions I put on myself and the times I hold back that I feel like I am missing out on life.
It’s not necessarily about what I do but rather about how I do it.
When I give something my all I find out sooner if it’s wrong and sooner if it’s right, but either way I give myself the opportunity to experience the situation for all it’s worth!
Previously I always held back in the hopes I would figure it out without investing everything I have.
But that was like going in a relationship expecting the other person to love who you truly are while withholding everything that matters.
Of course they wouldn’t love me then!
I acted out a self-fulfilling prophecy without ever realizing it.
Now I learned that there is nothing to be gained by living small or giving less than we’re capable of.
Restricting ourselves because we could fail or because we could be wrong is the best way to ensure we are.
I have driven myself to give my all regardless of the situation, which is not easy; most days I barely manage to reach my bed.
But because I was able to dive right in to this insecurity it has driven me to give life more.
Everything I gained from this was given to the real me and actually meant something to me.
The worries that I may be wrong still linger to this day.
But now, every time I notice it I encourage myself to dive in deeper than I have before.
Not out of fear that I may be wrong, but rather out of the fear that I may be right.
Originally published at