Here Are The Most Important Warnings In Life
You barely manage to get yourself up in the morning.
Yes, you could be excited at the beginning of the day.
If you never are that is a tremendous morning to what your life has become.
Add some more positivity in there. Seriously!
You have no one you feel comfortable talking to.
No one to confide in, no one to believe in, no one you trust enough to make you feel good.
Ouch! What a lonely life…
Let this fact serve as a warning that you need to get around some better people and get out of yourself more!
Be more open with others and find people that appreciate that openness! You avoid looking at your bank account.
This means money IS an issue for you.
But your problems will not go away if you stop looking.
Find out exactly what your money does for you and where it’s flowing so you can control the process.
You should be excited by your bank account, not afraid of it.
You keep getting into the same kind of problems.
These problems are not something everyone runs into.
If you keep finding the same problems in your life it means you are the common denominator!
The longer you keep blaming others for this the more of these problems you will get because it’s not your environment that got you here, but you!
You keep hearing the same advice from people around you.
Sometimes it’s good to trust those around you, especially if you hear their advice more than once!
There is something you can’t see from your point of view, so at least take it to heart a little bit.
Changing what they say may bring you more than you think and not changing it may lead you to the same kinds of problems you’ve had before.
You slow down once you reach some form of success.
BE VERY CAREFUL with this one!
People often settle down, or do a little less when they are okay.
In doing so they stop doing what has brought them to be okay and start loosing the progress they’ve made.
Don’t settle when you just reached success; go a bit beyond that before you start slowing down.
You’re constantly Comparing.
What an awful world to be living in in which everyone is better than you!
If you are saddened by others success and not excited then you are comparing too much.
Of course your mind would be negative then! You are looking at the difference between you and them not the similarities; You are looking at the problems not the solutions!
You are more similar than most, and if you keep that in mind you’ll be excited by their progress more than anything else!
You’re in the Past & Future too often.
Hello! Hey! Hi! Yes! You! Hey there!
Are you reading attentively? Are you really listening or did the points above make you look back at what you’ve done or what you could still do?
Are you really present right now?
You are alive in this moment and now you can do something.
If that’s reading this, let it be reading this!
Do not chase phantoms you cannot control; get active now.
Originally published at