Here’s What You Will Go Through On Your Quest For Happiness
The biggest challenge in finding happiness is removing the crazy amount of bullshit you tell yourself.
Life gets difficult and sometimes it is hard to be happy.
That’s just the way it is sometimes, but every other time it’s we who make life so difficult!
As children, the only thing we thought about was to be happy.
We didn’t beat ourselves up over mistakes, didn’t think of the world as this big, dark place and everything we did was designed to make us happy!
Of course, not everything went right, and we were pretty ignorant back then, but we were happy!
It’s just not that simple anymore.
The problem is that whatever you have learned you cannot unlearn.
You can’t turn a blind eye to a world you know needs improving and can’t do things that have negative consequences you can predict.
There are so many problems in the world, so many people that are better than us in almost everything and so much we still need to improve upon.
Nothing seems straight-forward anymore. But the point is, that just because it doesn’tThe Truth is that being happy is still just as simple as it was when we were children. seem like it, doesn’t mean it isn’t straight-forward! Turn a blind eye to the things that do not matter in this very moment and realize that you do not know as much as you think you do.
There are lives we could have lived, regrets we never worked through and we always feel like we can do more, be more and get more.
Every action has a multitude of consequences and every thought leads us down a long tunnel of connecting thoughts.
We only have to turn a blind eye to what we think we know.
When you accept that you do not know as much as you think you do you regain some of that child-like sense of exploration that used to make it so fun!
Ignore what you believe everyone thinks about you, take a chance on the consequences of something you want to do, and accept that you cannot change everything in the world so that you can focus on the things you can change.
Be present in what you do and leave the rest out of the picture. It does not matter right now.
While you can guess what will happen through a certain action you do not truly know, without a doubt, what will happen.
While you can assume what others think, there is no way to prove you are right unless you actually ask them and find out for sure.
And while you can believe that the world operates a certain way and that people behave a certain way, unless you claim to know more than all of science and religion has explored, you cannot truly know.
But for that, you have to turn a blind eye on the adult way of believing you know everything.
Now, please do not misunderstand, I am by no means saying you should turn a blind eye all the time to everything you do.
But as often as you can, especially when opening your eyes to it has no instant effect, do turn a blind eye.
Originally published at