Here’s Why Rich People Read Lots Of Books
Because they need to keep learning to stay in the game.
The world is constantly evolving.
Our minds did not have the time yet to adjust to this influx of information that we are living in today, and much less to adjust to how quickly the information gets overhauled.
Did you know that facts have a ‘Half-Life’?
Within roughly 15 years up to 50% of most facts will be overhauled, depending on the field of the facts.
With technological facts, for example, the Half-Life is closer to 2 years.
With so much information becoming outdated so quickly you have to keep learning or you will be succeeded by someone who was willing to learn when you were not.
But the question is: Why do the rich care about any of this?
I mean, they are already rich, right? So why do they need to keep caring about new information?
Well, to tell you the truth some don’t.
Some of the richest people do lay back and just enjoy their life without the need to keep improving.
Those, however, make up a small portion of the rich.
They got into the habit of reading to become richThere’s two main types of rich people that have very different reasons for why they learn. The one half learns to keep their status and their riches. and have probably never dropped the habit.
The people that have become rich had to get there in some way.
They learn because they are afraid of what they might loose if they don’t. The other half learns out of passion to their cause.
For most of them this was by outgrowing and outlearning the people around them.
But there are also those who have an actual reason for learning.
They learn to stay in the game, to stay on top and to be able to make even more money.
They learn because they have a sense of duty or desire to give more. They are afraid of the regret they might get one day if they do not give it their all.
To them, it can never be enough and they cannot allow themselves to fall behind, because once they do, someone else is already there to take their place.
Over the years they poured their heart and soul into their company and their business, and they will continue to do so.
To them it’s not that they have to learn but that they want to learn more!
They consume every new piece of information and test it out right away not for the sake of profit but to bring their passion to the world.
These people look beyond money and learn and read because, to them, it’s their responsibility to give as much as they can, and learning just falls into that.
Originally published at