Member-only story
How Do You Know You Have Become An Adult?
At the age of 18 I thought myself to be an adult.
The world considered me one and legally I was one.
However, I found myself often having no clue what to do about a certain situation and wishing for a more competent adult to come and help me out.
Often that meant I went to my parents for help or turned to the Internet in the hopes of finding answers to the questions I had from people who were more competent than I.
As I grew older I however realized that many, many of these competent adults were only competent in that one field at best. Most of them even faked it and almost all of them got there by at least some trial and error.
So then, if it was neither age nor competence that makes one an adult, what does?
Personally, when I think of maturity I think of the term “Responsibility”.
Fathers and mothers are forced to take responsibility for the lives they put into this world, and while not all do, the ones that do we consider adults.
They are responsible, take on whatever jobs are necessary, and do as much as their mentality can muster for their children.
Of course, none of them are perfect, but they are Adults without a doubt (although some are more childish within that…