How Does One Fail In Life?
Most of us think the way we are currently going in life is the only way to get what we want.
We go to college because we believe we require a degree to get the job we want, we try to get promotions because it is the best way to make money and we go on vacations and try to make more money because it is the easiest way to be happy… right?
Well, you may be right, but that doesn’t mean it is the ONLY way.
The problem is that most of us give up when we do not achieve something on the first try because the other ways are too difficult or because we do not know of any other way right now.
At this point, over 80% of people think they already failed on their New Year’s Resolutions and that they cannot win anymore. They messed up somewhere along the way already and they give up, which is why they fail.
If you never give up you can never truly fail, you can only be pushed back, every other way is only temporary.
Of course it will be a loss if you fail your classes or do not get that promotion, but you will not have truly failed. And just because you haven’t completed your New Year’s Resolutions up until now doesn’t mean they are over either.
Failure is characterized by our goals, but most of us have overarching goals and use the smaller ones as an excuse.
Failing in the small goals is never a permanent failure! Failure merely means that you did not make it on that try. It does not mean you can never try again.
For example, we may say we want our New Year’s Resolution to be to lose some weight, because it will help us in the overarching goal of becoming fitter and healthier.
Most of us confuse the little failures with the big ones. We fail at one point along the way and then give up on the whole journey.
Like a person that wants to lose some weight feels so terrible after eating one piece of cake that they stop their entire diet… even though they may have followed through for the last 6 months.
We can do a lot of things to encounter those small failures:
But this is just a little failure.
Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, not being smart enough, being too lazy, getting sick, being careless, or even having some bad relationship get in the way.
To truly fail you have to give up.
If you give up there will be no other chance; you exit out of the game completely. It’s over.
But if you do not give up you will never truly fail, because you can always try again. You can always stand up one more time, can always look for a different way and can always keep trying.
Stop being less than you can be and reach your goals. Send me a message saying “Coaching” to work 1 on 1 with me. Lukas Schwekendiek
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