How To Be More Confident In A Job Interview
Think about how you would act if you knew what would happen.
Imagine you already lived through this life once and you are now back with the memories you had.
You’ve achieved everything you wanted in your life and have no simply traveled back in time.
You met amazing people, have created a legacy that most people will remember and have talked to, sold, and worked with the most successful people already.
If you knew that this was how your life would turn out, would you be worried about a single interview?
This is the same thing as if you would imagine yourself to be back in 6th grade taking a math test.
No matter if you remember what was on the test, you would walk in with the confidence knowing that, whatever the result may be you can lead an amazing life.
You would know that one test doesn’t matter at all!
You would know this because you lived through a life where you probably didn’t do so well on an exam or two that you worried about a lot and you still did fine in life.
Going back to take another test would not phase you at all.
If you can call forth that same kind of feeling before you go into a job interview, you can walk in with an unshakable confidence.
Know that there are other options, that you will be okay no matter how the interview turns out and that this is just a stepping stone.
It is not the only path, not the best path and not the worst path.
It is just one possibility.
The confidence you gain from this mindset carries with it the weight of experience, knowledge and certainty, something that the people on the other side of the table will pick up upon.
Originally published at