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How To Become Well-Regarded And Respected Wherever You Go
Speak from deeper within. Projecting your voice is a very easy way to add Power to your appearance and to obtain respect from others.
Most of us speak from our throat. Instead talk from the pits of your stomach to be able to boost your voice and throw it across the room.
To do that notice where the tension is in your body when you are talking: Is it in the bottom of your throat or the middle of your chest?
When you talk your entire chest should be vibrating, not just your throat. This is a sign that you are drawing the voice from deeper within. Doing so may seem like a small, insignificant difference, but the more dominant voice you will project will speak for itself.
Develop unwavering confidence. Confidence is one of the strongest factors in developing massive Presence. Think about it: How do Spies in movies or Performers on stage become so well regarded? The reason is because they behave like they know what they are doing, even if that might not be the case.
Having the confidence to be yourself and to go out into the world showing that to everyone will demand the respect of others. The basis of this comes from one simple thought: Everyone wants to be free and be happy.