How To Deal With Petty People — The 3 Main Options You Have That Truly Help
Before we get into how you can deal with these people we have to make one thing clear:
Petty people do not believe they are petty!
Often unbeknownst to them, the reason they are petty is to prevent themselves from loosing something more.
Take someone being petty about you not saying “Thank you”. Standing up to you because of that allows them to feel better about themselves, brushing away some of the other things inside of them.
That is to say: People with low self-worth and low self-esteem will more often be petty for they have more to loose in these little things.
When you at least understand this, even though you may not agree with it, you will take them less seriously; and that is exactly how you should deal with them.
For example, let’s say a close friend of yours gets extraordinarily upset about the fact that you did not talk to them about what you would get them for lunch and you got them the wrong thing.
Now they scream at you, curse at you and throw the food on the ground.
You have a couple options here:
- Leave — You will not deal with being treated like this. They crossed a line and that is not something you…