Member-only story
How To Effectively Deal With Success & Failure
The best, shortest answer: Accepting it.
The longer, harder to digest answer…
Success and Failure happen all the time.
We see it in small moments and big moments, but very few of us actually take it in.
We are so busy with life, so obsessed with finding the next thing to work on or thinking that what we have is not enough, that we forget to learn from the things that are currently and actively happening to us.
And in avoiding that process of taking things in, we do not learn, grow or progress nearly as fast or effectively as we could to a life worth living.
But let me break the two down one by one.
Dealing with Success.
While almost everyone strives for some form of success, through progress, growth or achievements, very, very, very few actually own their successes.
Most people are too afraid of owning what they achieved, because they feel it is hubris or arrogant to do so.
They humble themselves too much ,or take fake credit for something they did not do, but either way do not actually take it in as it gets masked again by the “next thing” on their list.