How To Get Rid Of Overthinking
The simplest way to stop overthinking is to start overacting.
Basically, turning your brain off, at least for a while, and getting more invested in what you are doing.
We often overthink due to unresolved situations.
There is something with a loose end that we spin into all sorts of crazy scenarios that never end up taking place.
For example, we may not currently have the money we want, so we spin stories as to what happens when we chase it.
We might start a new company that goes big before ending up completely failing. This would rob us of our finances, would make us look bad in front of our friends and family and we would be even worse off than before! And then what if…
Or we might think the best way to increase our finances is to get promoted, so it would be a good idea to talk to our boss to show initiative. But then what if they take that as an insult to their work, what if they fire us and what if that ends up in us being homeless? Better stay quiet…
There are so many possibilities that we can spin out of the few facts we have that it leads to a literally endless amount of possibilities.
If you want to stop overthinking you must limit these possibilities.
It’s like climbing a tree. The further up you climb, the less options you have to keep going, and while you had many possible paths earlier, at the top only one remains.
And just like that, if you act on these possibilities you will limit the options you have.
One path will crystallize out of the endless amount of possibilities and your thoughts will have less room to go crazy.
Take action now, progress towards one of the possibilities and life will become a lot simpler.
Then, if you really want to nip this in the butt, remind yourself of the choice you made.
You chose to walk this path for a reason. This is what you deemed best. If it isn’t or if that changed, then change your path as well.
Whatever you do know this: If you follow a path you are not standing behind it will not lead you to fulfillment.
Pick whatever path you can stand behind and support, because it is your life to live.
That being said, you must act.
When you act your life becomes clearer. The options decrease as the results of that path begin to bear fruit. You walk closer to fulfillment as your life progresses forward and you stop overthinking so much.
Instead of overthinking you test those thoughts, pressure them to show you that they have a leg to stand on and make them prove that they have a right to exist.
This eliminates most thoughts while giving you some hard-earned, valuable results, and, before you know it, the fog around your life starts to life as the path gets clearer and you become more successful, happier and more fulfilled.
Originally published at