Member-only story
How to Live Life to the Fullest
Make life Simpler. Most problems in life are very straight-forward. They may not be easy, but they are simple. There is no need to make them more complicated than they need to be.
Instead ask yourself what is actually missing? What is the one thing you need to do to solve this problem? Everything else, while not irrelevant, makes your problem exponentially more complex.
Example 1: If you need more money then find a second job, ask your boss what it would take to be promoted, or start doing some freelance work.
Example 2: If you want to find love then go on more dating sites, go out more often and get to know more people.
Yes, this is oversimplified, but it’s the truth. Focus on the straightest path to your goal.
Only commit to what you will do. Especially to yourself you want to be honest. Either you do what you said you would do or you do not say you will do it.
When you do what you said you would you strengthen your belief in yourself and all following actions. This creates not only responsibility for your life, but also a sense of trust and calm as you start to believe that you can handle whatever you set your mind to. With more proof of that due to your past actions it becomes easier and easier to go the extra mile if you so choose.