Member-only story
If Money Does Not Bring Happiness, Why Do So Many People Still Chase It?
People run after money because they believe that something that money can provide can provide them with the happiness or some form of purpose for their life.
It may not be the number in their bank account, but it may be the freedom that that money brings, the traveling one could do, or the things one could buy that bring them happiness now.
It’s the status that money gives in todays world, the possibilities and the opportunities that can be achieved with it that people chase.
They believe that through, or through those opportunities, money will change enough so that they will change as well, and then they’ll finally be able to fill that lack inside.
People still idealize the concept of money in that regard.
Money can do a lot of things and it is in knowing that that people assume money can solve whatever lack they feel inside; through some form or another.
At least, that is the belief they hang onto because it is easier.
It’s like they diffuse the responsibility they have for their life by making money a part of it.
Instead of taking the responsibility now and doing what is necessary to be happy, to fill that void, or to live a fulfilled life…