Is Life Really Worth Living?
Life is hard. We stress ourselves day after day, hurt so much on certain days that our heart feels like it could shatter at any moment, and we continue to struggle to seemingly no avail.
With everything we finish two new problems come up and with every step we take forward we face another, bigger beast.
It’s an endless battle, day after day to lead a life that we think would be worth living, but we get smacked down time and time again.
We try to make a positive impact in the world, try to make a positive impact just in our surroundings, and are bombarded with horrible news day in and day out that tell us that it’s not enough.
The loneliness, the bills, the money in general, the pain, the suffering, the stress… It never seems to end.
Even when you start to chase your dreams, when you think you finally have it all together, when you finally feel yourself to be on the right path and finally feel like you belong; it only takes one big fall to make you question everything again.
We all come to this point time and time again in which we ask if all this fighting is really worth the goal, and some of us sink even further than others.
I was one of those people that was brought to tears more times than I would like to admit by this question, and even now I have to admit: Finding the answer is hard.
Not all of you reading this will struggle that much with the question, or even get to the point where you consider it. To those that do not find that question relevant: Do not continue reading.
You are not in a state where you need this and you don’t need an alternative as you are not that deep into it.
This post is for all of those that have gone down that deep. This is for those that do think about that question and that, at least at times, have difficulty finding an answer to this question.
And while I cannot give you the answer to the question in a way that would absolutely make you change your mind, I can give you the perspective that still changes this question for me.
For when I asked myself if this life was worth living I only came to a very simple conclusion: Does it really matter?
Even if life wasn’t worth living, even if it was all a big scam with no point at all, we are still here.
Obviously, you could change that. You could end it all today. But then what?
Who knows what will happen when we die, who knows what will be next. Are you really willing to wager everything on that? What if you are wrong?
You can end it and hope for the best, and you might be right. Maybe you do find eternal happiness thereafter… But you may be wrong. Maybe nothing happens and you lost all chance and hope for any more happiness.
Are you that much of a gambler?
Because I would say “Screw it!”
You are here today, you are alive right now, and you might as well make the best of it in whatever manner you can. You might as well do what you want, live the way you want and not hold anything back anymore.
A large part of what makes life less worth living comes from the fact that you restrict yourself. You do what you ‘should’ do, do what’s accepted and never go for what you really want out of fear of failing.
The point is: You are not done yet. It’s not over yet. You still have a chance, but only if you give yourself the opportunity to have that chance at a life worth living!
It’s all going to end, you will figure that out sooner or later, but for now you are still here. And if you are still here then it means that, against everything thrown at you till date, you chose to live and you prevailed.
For some reason you kept fighting. For some reason you have not given up yet. Hold on to that thought.
I know you may not see any light in front of you right now, I know it may seem dark, but you are still here regardless.
Right now you are breathing, you are alive, and you can make a difference in your own life, but you have to give yourself the chance to really live.
There’s absolutely nothing you gain from living a half-lived life. It will not make anything any easier and will only restrict you in your approach.
Let go of everything you held onto, say “Screw it!” and live the way you want.
For, if life really is worth living then you are going to live larger if you allow yourself to be courageous enough to step into that larger life, and if it’s not worth it you might as well do what you wanted to do because it doesn’t make a difference.
Either way the actions stay the same. Either way the best answer is to do what you want!
The only way you figure out if a relationship is truly right is if you hold nothing back. It’s only when you are truly you that the other person has a chance to love you for who you are.
It’s the exact same way for life. The only way to truly see if life is worth living is to give it an honest shot.
Give your relationships your real self, give your dreams an honest try and give yourself a fighting chance.