Member-only story
Is Motivation Necessary?
Does action require emotion?
Can you act without feeling anything?
If you have ever done something for seemingly no reason, then you have acted without being truly motivated by it.
For most of us this would be true by the nature of our job alone, as most of us go to a job we are not passionate about every day.
Motivation is just an emotion like any other, and it does not make or break whatever we do.
We can do anything regardless of how we feel about it.
We can smile even when we feel like crap inside, we can work out even when our muscles ache, and we can get up out of the comfort of our bed even if it is for a job we despise.
No matter what we feel inside, the action can still be done.
Motivation is just a nice little bonus that makes acting a lot easier, but is by no means required.
In fact, if we can learn to act without feeling motivated to do so and just act because we said we would or because we committed to it, then we will be able to out-work nearly 99% of the population of this planet.
Most people quit as soon as they do not feel like doing the work.
They are controlled by their emotions and rely on motivation to get them to act, without…