Member-only story
My Comfort Zone and Me: Why I Love My Comfort Zone and Why I Left It Nonetheless
The easy answer is because I love my comfort zone!
I mean, what’s not to love?
It’s like asking someone why they do not want to leave their bed in the morning or get out of that massage chair.
Ones comfort zone is always comfortable.
It’s my covers in the night, under which no monster can get to me.
It’s my fuzzy socks that keep me warm in a cold winter storm.
It’s the only candle shedding light in a pitch-black world.
In my comfort zone I feel safe, secure and like nothing truly bad can happen.
Outside my comfort zone, anything and everything is an unknown.
That means that the sound of a rustling brush can be a small bunny or an unimaginably terrifying Lovecraftian horror.
I would much rather deal with the cozy bed, fuzzy socks, and candlelit room, than the cold, pitch-black unknown full of unseen horrors.
The problem is that not all horrors stay outside.
Life throws a lot of things at everyone, and not all problems can be ignored, even if they are scary and stressful.