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Raising Your Intelligence The Smart Way
Raising your Intelligence is a broad topic.
It is so broad due to the different kinds of intelligences and the different ways to raise each of these different types.
‘Intelligence’ is not just your IQ, or your logical-mathematical side.
It includes everything from your social skills, to your nature affinity, to your ability to move your body.
It’s just that many of us do not think of these things when we think of “Intelligence”.
If you want to become smarter overall, I recommend raising each of your different intelligences, for the wider your intellect grows, the deeper it can grow as well.
Raising each kind of intelligence carries a certain wisdom with it that can be applied to further raise the other kinds.
For more information on the kinds of intelligences there are I recommend reading here:
What are the 9 Types of Intelligence? | PBIS | Nord Anglia
What I am going to recommend to you based on this, is to become smarter by learning more about yourself, by figuring out how you can get what you want and by becoming more self-aware.
That may, at first glance, not seem to make you smarter in a school sense, but it will give you the tools to improve…