Set Smart Goals — Sail Your Ship To The End

Lukas Schwekendiek
2 min readMay 16, 2022
Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Ditching the goals is like saying you will ditch your destination out on the open sea.

Of course you can do it, but eventually you will run out of water and supplies, by which time you will still be in the open sea, too far from any harbor to rescue yourself.

All you need to do for now is to go for the first best harbor so you can rest!

You are putting so much pressure on finding the right harbor right away.

Remember always that true goals are long-term, and that you cannot change what you want.

If you want to find the island of the fountain of youth, then that is your ultimate goal.

The fountain of half-youth, or the one of slower aging, will not make you happy.

But they can be temporary harbors.

When you are setting goals remember that you should always strive for what you truly want regardless of how far out of your way it is, how impossible it may seem, or how long you may have to work for it.

You cannot change what you want. You always want what you want.

Do not deny your own, inner self and go for it.

But as you do that remember that you do not need to get there right away.

Allow yourself to have some checkpoint goals that allow you a rest and a sense of pride for having made good headway towards your goal.

Smart goals are nothing more than true goals divided up into achievable segments.

You do not even have to divide the entire goal up, all you need to do is to figure out what sub-goal is next.

What is the harbor you are sailing towards next on your journey to your final destination?

Where will you rest?

Where will you recharge?

Where would be a good place to lay your anchor for a little while?

As you progress towards each sub-goal you will fill yourself with pride and joy because you are moving forward.

It is this that, more than even the end goal itself, makes you feel happy, fulfilled and alive.

You will brave storm after storm, even to the harbors along the way, but for every step you make, for every checkpoint you reach, you will get one step closer to it all.

Never lose sight of the end goal, but also never try to do it all at once.



Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: with the word "Coaching"