Member-only story
Stop Living With Regrets: Make Better Choices Today
It is 9:39 p.m. right now.
I have been up since 6:00 a.m. and working since 6:30 a.m.
I had 6 hours of calls, answered a good 50 Emails and read about 100 answers on Quora.
Tomorrow I have to get up at 6:00 a.m. again and all I want to do right now is sleep.
But I have not finished my answers for today, nor have I read the chapter I wanted to read in my book. I have not exercised and have not written out my plan for tomorrow.
While it would be so incredibly nice to go to bed right now and just sleep, I am choosing to stay awake and work.
Yes, I will pay the price tomorrow. Yes, I will be tired. But I will not regret having chosen the easier path.
Every second of every minute of every day we make choices.
Subconsciously, consciously, even unconsciously. Everything we do is ultimately a choice.
Often the only difference between a life filled with regrets and a life filled with purpose is what kind of choices you make.
Are they choices made passively, at the spur of the moment, those that often lead to instant gratification and later regret?