The Best Way To Say No To Someone
Having an honest reason to say ‘No’.
Saying ‘No’ only feels bad when we do not have an actual reason.
When we try to come up with some excuse or avoid the confrontation it feels dirty.
We feel ashamed for both lying and not wanting what the other person wants, which is just self-afflicted shame.
You like what you like, you want what you want, and you don’t want what you don’t want! So why are you trying so hard to convince others it’s different?
Why do you need to make up a fictional reason to say ‘No’?
Why can’t it just be as easy as telling them the truth?
Of course you’ll find some hurt feelings, of course there will be difficulties, of course it will lead to confrontations.
But all of these problems lead to a clearer life!
After the changes have gone through you won’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not.
The people that remain around you are only the ones you like and the ones that like you for who you really are.
And you won’t have a need to fake that ‘No’ anymore.
That is why the best way to say ‘No’ to someone is to be honest.
It may not be the best for them or what’s best for the situation at the time, but it will be what’s best for both of you in the long run.
Originally published at