The Biggest Lesson Life Has Taught Me So Far

Lukas Schwekendiek
3 min read2 days ago


Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Life does not give handouts.

Sitting on your couch, hoping that something will change will make nothing happen.

Life does not owe you anything.

Expecting something from having done nothing is as delusional as a farmer hoping his crops will grow in the fall when he hasn’t planted anything all year.

You are alive. That is a gift that you did not have to work towards or pay off, but that is all you get.

Just because you may not have wanted it doesn’t mean you can exchange it for something else.

You are not special, not the hero or heroine of this world, and no one will come to make you the chosen one.

This is as good as it gets.

If that sounds awful to you, if you do not like where you are, then you have to change something, for life won’t do it for you.

And yes, that does mean you have to look towards those uncomfortable, challenging and difficult things that you have been avoiding.

Doing the same things won’t cut it.

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” - Tony Robbins

You haven’t been promoted yet for the work you do, so why do you think doing more of the same will make you stand out any more?

Your relationship hasn’t gotten any better by avoiding the difficult topics or trying to mask your problems with other joys, so what leads you to believe your problems will truly ever be gone if all you do is push them in a closet?

And your life is not where you want it to be yet because you do not do those uncomfortable, challenging or difficult tasks you know would help. .

It’s like you are sitting at home expecting for a grains you never planted to be flown in by the winds of life, grind itself down into flour, bake itself and present itself to you in a delicious array.

No matter how much you wish for it, it won’t happen.

The truth is that your life is an exact representation of your actions.

You have the job you have because you decided to take it, you decided on how much work you put into your relationship, and how much work you put in yourself and improving your own life.

And you did not decide anything else.

You actively chose not to pursue another career, decided to not have those difficult conversations with your partner and decided not to challenge yourself.

You chose the easy route.

Even if it did not feel easy, or fair (remember, life does not owe you anything, including a fair chance), it still wasn’t what you needed to do to get ahead.

Maybe you didn’t choose some of the things that happened to you, but you certainly also did not choose to make them better or work on them; how you reacted to life was always in your control.

Yes, some things were and are out of your control, but the number of things which are is incredibly small, because there is almost always something you can do about it.

That all being said, if you want something then you have to go out and get it.

You want a better paying job? Work for it! Do the extra hours! Learn more! Stand out! Do something you have never done! Or at least look for a different job!

You want a better relationship? Work for it! Do more exciting things together! Listen more to the other person! Deal with the problems by having those difficult conversations! Elevate the positives! Or at least find someone who you both can talk to about it!

You want a better life? WORK FOR IT! Learn about your mistakes and what it takes to fix them! Get someone to push you in the right direction! Get out of your comfort zone and do what you know you have to do to get the life you always wanted!

Your life is in your own hands and you can chose to turn it into whatever you want it to be, but you have to take responsibility for it; IT WILL NOT CHANGE ON ITS OWN!

Stop blaming the world around you, stop looking for excuses, and stop just wishing for the things you want.

If you want it, go and get it!



Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: with the word "Coaching"