Member-only story
The “Do-Not-Dos” Of Student Life
Never take no risks.
That means in love, career, drinking (although not drinking and driving), etc.
Essentially: Make mistakes.
The more actively you do this now the better off you will be later on for you will have experience to guide you.
If you never make mistakes you will never know why you should do the opposite.
For instance, you will only know how bad drinking too much is if you felt truly hungover.
Before then you never truly know and will always wonder about your limits.
The same is true for a bad relationship, a bad job, bad friends, etc.
Make these mistakes early on so that you know what to aim for for the rest of your life.
Being committed to someone, to a job, friends, even drinking habits because you’ve been on the other side, carries far more meaning, intention and action than never having been there.
Never hold back.
While this goes along with the above, it still deserves its own point.
You will hold back every time you are afraid to lose something or make a mistake, but the larger you live, the more fearlessly you approach a situation, the more you gain from it.