The Most Admirable Quality

Lukas Schwekendiek
3 min readJun 22, 2020


Mike is down on his luck.

He just lost his job due to the current pandemic and the last of his savings are dwindling.

He has no family to turn to, no wife or husband to come home to, and nothing that he really looks forward to.

His, before at best average life has turned bad.

Mike then does what most people would do: Look for another job.

It may take him some time but eventually he pulls himself back up enough to apply.

He tries to land a job, keeps going on various dates, and, to him, just keeps running through the same motions he always has.

Now, to the normal onlooker it may not seem like there is much to Mike; he definitely wouldn’t say so.

My question is only this: Why hasn’t he given up yet?

I mean, not be dark, but there is really nothing keeping him there is there?

So why does he keep struggling?

Mike probably does not even believe that things can get better, but he still does them anyway.

He still looks for a better job, still tries himself on various dates, and still works out every now and again and opts for a salad every once in a while.

Mike is one of the people that I personally admire the most.

Not because he has a great life, but rather because he doesn’t have a great life!

Mike, against all odds, still continues to live.

There is something inside of him that still calls him to try to do more.

He has not given up hope yet, even if he does not see it that way.

Something holds Mike to this life.

Even if his mind already accepted that he may not get any further his body still follows his heart or soul or something deeper within to keep going.

And that is a display of courage if nothing else.

Having been at a place where I just wanted to give up on life I understood how easy it was.

Just one action and it would all be over.

I would have had no responsibilities, no expectations to uphold, no one to disappoint and nothing that could make me feel as bad as I did in that moment.

It takes so much more courage to not take the easy way out, to keep fighting against all odds and to live, even if you only have a tiny spark of hope that things can get better.

This goes out to anyone and everyone that is going through a rough time right now: I admire you!

Even if you procrastinate a lot, the fact that you are still doing things is a sign of the courage you have.

You could have given up, but you didn’t.

I know you expect more of yourself, wish for things to be different and want everything to be better straight away.

But, just for this moment, I want you to appreciate yourself and want you to feel proud of whatever you have done.

Your life is not easy, and to me, that makes it all the more admirable that you are still trying!



Lukas Schwekendiek
Lukas Schwekendiek

Written by Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: with the word "Coaching"

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