The Trick To Becoming More Charismatic As An Introvert
6 tips to improve your conversation
I think people get being extroverted and introverted confused a lot. Not in terms of them mixing up the two but rather in what they mean on their own.
Being introverted does not mean being shy. It does not mean being secluded, holding back or being awkward to be around.
Being introverted simply means that you need more time for yourself because you tend to get more exhausted by social interactions.
This means you can absolutely be charismatic and introverted at the same time! They are not characteristics that exclude one another.
As an introvert, you only have to pay attention to one extra thing over extroverts, and that is your own well-being.
If you are in social situations too long you will become exhausted, grumpy and even aggressive at times.
Know your limits, know when you need to take time off and when you need to say ‘No’ so that you can invest all your energy into the social interactions you do have.
The above is the only difference you may encounter. Other than that, becoming charismatic will be the same for you as everybody else.
Here are some of the most important things in becoming charismatic:
- Focus on the other person — Make the person across from you to most important person in the universe. Their words are worth their weight in gold, their stories are life-changing and everything they say could be written in a best-selling book. Awaken a curiosity for them unlike any other. Leave your cellphone at home!
- Make others feel phenomenal — Give heartfelt compliments, engage them in their stories, and try your best to amplify the emotions they give off. Be they positive or negative, if you engage them in their emotions they will feel encouraged and supported, making them feel truly understood by you.
- Smile & Maintain good Eye-contact — I know this sounds superfluous but you’d be surprised how little people do this nowadays in conversations. Be present, give off a good vibe and show the other person you are focused on them.
- Be willing to ask questions — If you are not engaged and just pretend to be, the other person will notice. Ask whatever questions you need to ask so you are on the same page and can engage them better.
- Be comfortable — If you are uncomfortable being where you are you will try to escape the situation rather than engage with it. You being here should be your own decision, just as you engaging with this person. Do what you need to to be as comfortable as you can. This often means being honest and being vocal with your thoughts.
- Overall: Be Present — All of the above tips lead to just one thing: Presence. If you want to be viewed as charismatic then let the world revolve around that one person and be truly with them. No distractions, no stray thoughts, no regrets, and no escapes. You are here and you are here fully. You are here for them.
Originally published at