The Yearning for Love — Why We Want to Feel Connected to Others

Lukas Schwekendiek
2 min readApr 2, 2022
Photo by Matt Paul Catalano on Unsplash

The basis of the desire to being understood comes from a desire to not be alone.

We all want to be part of something greater, a community or a circle of people that values each other.

But if we are not understood by anyone we feel alone and like we do not belong anywhere.

Maybe, a long time ago, we used to desire to be a part of a group for survival, but over time this changed into something that we just feel we need.

We’ve evolved to have our soul and spirit crushed when not being understood by anyone.

We start to feel lost, isolated and like we have to take on the whole world by ourselves.

More than anything, this makes us scared.

Truth be told, that is just one theory, but there are many others.

If you listen to spiritual gurus they will teach you that your desire for being understood is your desire to be part of the whole again, part of the universe you were born from.

Religious leaders will tell you that it is to get back to the source. Back to God, Krishna, Allah, or whatever religion you believe in.

Who is right and who is not is up to you to decide, for we do not know what is right.



Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: with the word "Coaching"