Then that is your reality right now J. It is messed up.
How will you proceed from here?
Short version: You have two options.
1. Continue as you have (AKA continue the dumpster fire).
2. Start putting it out.
If I may assume that it is your career that is a mess then try the following:
- Figure out what job you want ideally.
- Look up requirements for said job (and qualifications).
- Find out how to meet said qualifications (usually more schooling or self-learning).
- Apply for every job that meets your desires & ask what you could have done to get it if you get rejected.
Total work:
4 hours in advance + 0.5 hours looking at jobs daily + 1 hour of learning every day.
Depending on the exact requirements (if you want to be a doctor the requirements are much higher) this process may take you a few years, but after that you will be in the job you love.
Time wasted can never be made up, but you still have the rest of your life to live. This life is your responsibility. How you choose to proceed from this moment is also your responsibility.