This Is How You Find Real Purpose Or Passion In Your Life
Forget about Finding Anything. You will never find your Passion.
I know! Great advice, right?
So many people go around expecting themselves to just fall over their passion as if it were a rock in their path.
Do not expect that from your life!
As soon as you expect life to just handLife gives you all sorts of handouts, you just never notice them. you your passion, you loose all hope of finding it.
You know the saying “ When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!”.
These predispositions to certain things are just like the lemons life hands you!
Finding your passion is kind of like that.
Right now you are already interested in some things, already want to invest in others and are generally motivated by certain things more than others.
Each and every one of them was given different types of lemons!
There are predispositions you have based on your genetics and your experiences.
I mean, do you really think Albert Einstein would have gotten as passionate as he did about Physics if he didn’t have some form of predisposition?
Do you think Mahatma Gandhi would have invested as much in people if he didn’t already have a predisposition and knowledge about law, justice and ethics?
Do you think Bill Gates would have worked as hard as he did if he didn’t enjoy working with computers?
You already have the lemons right in your hand!
Plant the seeds of your passion, invest time and energy into them, and you will be rewarded with more passion!
You already have set things you are more passionate about than others.
But as long as you keep this idea inside your head that passion is the ‘one-all-be-all’, that it’s ‘love-at-first-sight’ or that it’s your own personal easy button, you will not create true passion.
You do not have an unlimited supply of lemons straight away, and if you begin to sell the few lemons you have you will be out sooner than you think.
Instead, plant the lemons and let them grow into lemon trees!
Do not loose the Joy in what you do!
This means you will not start out being exuberantly passionate about it at first; Invest in it anyway!
Spend an hour a day improving in the field of your greatest interest.
This will ensure that you build your passion with interest, not with necessity.
Beyond that, the best advice I can give you from working with hundreds of people on their passion is this:
As soon as you feel you need to or must do this, you loose the connection to what you do and it makes you feel much worse.
It will take time. Be ready to invest everything you can every single day because you want to.
Otherwise you will stress yourself, blame your passion, and will ultimately end up with your lemon tree rotting away.
And trust me, no one wants to buy rotten lemonade.
Originally published at