This Is The Answer To The Deep Secret Of Life
There isn’t one.
There is no shortcut, no big reveal, no innate calling or meaning.
Life does not unfold when you go to a certain place and it doesn’t all fall into place once you reach a certain goal.
There’s never just a single thing that makes it all work or all better, and that’s true for “ The one deep secret of life” too!
Life is made out of so many facets, so many combinations of different aspects, and trillions of other factors that there just being a single secret is simply not just. For us, it means that Life is all what we make of it!
It’s trying to force something that’s beautifully complex into a tiny little box.
The question is: What does this mean for us?
It’s on us to figure out what life means to us and what it holds for us.
It’s on us to create something out of nothing and to find meaning, purpose, and passion in this vast world.
It’s all on us; for better and for worse.
While, on one hand, that sounds terribly hopeless, on the other it’s also incredibly freeing because it literally opens the world to us.
There is no secret, there is nothing that will happen that tells us what we are meant to do and nothing that falls into place, and with that, there is nothing to wait for, hold ourselves accountable to and nothing and no one we have to justify our life towards.
So… What now?
Originally published at