This Is The Definition Of Success
Success, by definition, is the accomplishment of one’s goals, whatever they may be.
This does not mean having a lot of money, reaching the top of the corporate ladder, or anything of the sorts.
It literally just means succeeding in your plan.
The problem with this is that most people adopt the social form of success, which is the mentioned rich, luxurious life filled with money and a high-end job.
But, the truth is, that you can be successful now depending on how you define it.
Success can be redefined at any point in time simply be redefining what the goal or the plan was.
For example, you could consider yourself very successful simply because you managed to live to the age you are.
If that was your original goal or plan, then by every definition of the word, you reached success.
The same way you can say that you are successful because of any other reason.
And, if you think about this for just a little bit, you will realize the tremendous danger in this.
Since success can always be redefined you can be always successful or also never successful. If you want to feel successful, if you want to avoid this trap, you must stick to your goals!
This is a gigantic problem with people on the path to success: They keep redefining success in such a way that they never feel successful.
They can always have a bigger house, a better job, a fancier car, and they can always look around to find people that have those things, making them still feel as though they haven’t truly reached success.
This means clearly and objectively defining the point at which you will have reached success and then allowing yourself to feel successful once you’ve reached that place!
When you, for example, finally make your first million really celebrate it!
But it is up to you to live your entire life feeling successful or feeling unsuccessful, as it is only based on your definition.
The truth is you already reached success; you are already successful.
You are successful by your old standards and by others current standards.
You have reached more than others ever will and are living someone’s dream, at least in one way.
Originally published at