This Word Best Describes People Who Try To Make Themselves Look Good By Putting Others Down
Of course, it’s easy to label such people as simply Narcissistic, Bullies, Sociopaths, Insecure and so on, but doing that ignores the struggles those people are going through.
People that try to make themselves look good by putting others down do this for the same reason we all do things: To be happy.
I know this sounds backward but this is how they learned to be happy.
They may have modeled their parents, may have not found happiness in anything until they put others down, or maybe had to fight for their happiness so long that this seemed like a natural thing for them to do.
But this gains them happiness, confidence, self-worth and love.
When they get to put others down these people feel better themselves, speaking for a lack inside of them that they do not know how else to fill.
If you go around labeling those people as Sociopaths you will look at them in disdain, furthering their reason to keep pushing others down.
The best way to counter this is to smile at them, love them through their hate and give them what they are not getting anywhere else.
“Those who are hardest to love need it the most.” — Socrates
Of course you will find that person that truly has a lesion in their brain that causes them to act this way, but that’s rather rare.
Most people that put others down have had a hard time gaining love, acceptance and happiness and are not doing this because they want to, but because they do not know any other way.
Putting those people down in turn by fighting their fire with fire will only result in them becoming more sure of their approach.
Originally published at