Why Improving Some Of Your Daily Habits Will Never Pay Off
Unless you follow this rule.
Imagine you invest in a Stock.
You are being told that the stock will rise continuously, and, the more you put in the faster it will grow.
So every day you put in $5 into that stock.
At first it only grows a little bit, but over time the increments increase and increase and increase as the money you invest stacks up.
And then the stock crashes and you quit out to save what you can!
Incremental improvements on a daily basis are very similar.
Yes they do always pay off but only if you keep going and not crash your investments!
If you quit before the pay off, if you drop out of the game or if you let setbacks defeat you then you will never see the pay off!
For example, the stock market, as a whole, recovers.
It has recovered from every crash so far and will probably continue to do so.
The few that stood strong when the crash happened and did not sell usually made their money back a couple months later.
And those that bought stocks during that time, made even more.
“The most common cause of low prices is pessimism-some times pervasive, some times specific to a company or industry. We want to do business in such an environment, not because we like pessimism but because we like the prices it produces. It’s optimism that is the enemy of the rational buyer.” — Warren Buffett
Life is not a steady line, it has it’s ups and downs and if you allow the downs to kill your drive then you will only loose.
You have to keep investing in the dark times and not surrender and your investments will pay off!
Originally published at http://quora.com.