Why Our Generation Is So Unhappy

Because we keep shooting ourselves in the foot!

Lukas Schwekendiek
3 min readAug 8, 2019

We keep putting rocks in our path, keep making things more difficult than they have to be, and keep stressing out over things that do not matter while working on things that don’t change anything!

Basically, we are so unhappy because we keep walking in self-inflicted circles.

Every day we wake up and it all just sucks.

Our job sucks. Our hobbies suck. And our lifestyle sucks!

And, to make things worse, in addition to all of this we still have so much pressure!

We have the pressure of having a “happy family” even when we hate our partner, have the pressure to “make money and love the work” when we can think of nothing other than how to leave early, and we have to always get more or at least strive for it.

The question is: Where did all these boulders come from?

When did we start caring so much and adding so much to our lives that we hate?

We never used to do this as kids! As kids we didn’t have a single care in the world!

Our entire time was spent trying to get as much fun out of the day as possible!

When did we start adding so much crap to our lives?

We didn’t care what anyone thought about us, didn’t care whether what we were about to attempt was dangerous or risky and we didn’t even have a concept of Success and Failure.

And we still choose it all now!

The truth is that WE chose the job we are in. WE chose our partner, our hobbies, the place we live, the skills we have, the friends that surround us, and the hobbies we apply ourselves to.

We choose to keep shooting ourselves in our own foot every single day!

Instead of doing what it takes to find a more amazing job or create a better work atmosphere we drag ourselves to “hell on earth “.

Instead of working with our partner on the problems in the relationship and sharing what we really think and feel we complain about them to everyone and become destructively passive aggressive.

So… why is our generation so unhappy? Apparently because we are all masochistic; If we weren’t, we would not be doing this day after day after day!

And instead of doing the things that actually make us smile and feel joy we keep doing the things we are supposed to do to have people like us we don’t even care about.

But it’s not just our generation. This is something that’s similar across all generations.

That still doesn’t solve the problem, but it’s at least a small step in the right direction.

In fact, I would argue that our generation is actually better at dealing with this than the older generations because we at least voice out our unhappiness and admit that we do not want to settle, while the older generations learned to shut up and deal with it.

What our generation… no. What every generation still needs to learn is that it doesn’t have to be so tough.

We do not need to carry these boulders with us all our lives and we can drop the gun at any point in time!

Just like when we were kids it’s all about making the best out of whatever situation we’re in, ignoring what anyone thinks about us and actively chasing joy!

Originally published at http://quora.com.



Lukas Schwekendiek
Lukas Schwekendiek

Written by Lukas Schwekendiek

Life Coach, Speaker, Writer. Published on TIME, Inc & Huffington Post. Coaching available again! Email: Lukas.schwekendiek@gmail.com with the word "Coaching"

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