Why you should not complain about Life
In all honesty, if your life is improving through complaining then by all means do it.
But other than that, what’s the point?
Complaining is not going to change the situation and it’s not going to make your problems go away or make you suddenly be able to handle the problems.
It just does not make a difference.
The only thing that happens when you complain is that you spend time focusing on the negatives when you could be using that time to do something about your situation.
You could be growing your skills, could ask for any help and actually make some progress to a better life change.
It is tough, I get that, but at least it will make a difference!
Your situation is what it is.
No matter how often you wish it were different or how much you look back wondering what could have been, it is the way it is.
Your choices ultimately lead you to this very moment in time; for better and for worse.
This is a fact that you cannot dispute: You are where you are.
Your thoughts should not revolve around why or about the misfortune you may have encountered. It should not focus on the things you could have done differently or how other people have it better.
Instead look at what you can do and what you will make of wherever you are.
That is the only way things will get better.
Originally published at Quora.com